Summary of the Six Perfections

The Six Perfections (Paramitas) are essential qualities to be practised and perfected for the realisation of True Happiness (Buddhahood; Nirvana; Enlightenment). Based on the selfless intention to benefit one and all, they guide us towards happiness whenever they are practised – even when they are yet to be perfected.

[1] Generosity: The sharing of truth, wealth, comfort (fearlessness), time and effort with one and all. The more generous one is, the more abundance will one have.

[2] Morality: The upholding of good conduct to benefit one and all. The better one is in conduct, the more safe and cherished will one be.

[3] Patience: The training of endurance to overcome challenges (difficulties) to protect one and all. The more patient one is, the more strong will one be.

[4] Energy: The exerting of enthusiastic efforts to fulfill the worthy for one and all. The more energetic one is, the more goals will one fulfill.

[5] Concentration: The focusing of the mind for single-pointed strength to attain Wisdom for one and all. The more concentrated one is, the more attentive and dedicated will one be.

[6] Wisdom: The realising of insight into the truths of life and the universe to help one and all. The more one wise one is, the more happiness will one have.

6 thoughts on “Summary of the Six Perfections

  1. Thanks for the reminder.

    If we think it is very difficult, we will never do it.

    However, if we think it is possible and start via baby steps and with the effort, I think we will be able to reach it (just a matter of time).

    Doing is easy, thinking make it difficult, I guess. In this life or in many more lifetimes to come, still have to make a start from somewhere.

  2. can start by mindfulness of the Buddha..haha


  3. There’s a nice animation fr Amitabha Buddhist Society (ABS) ‘s free distribution section, a Taiwan production: “Jane’s enlightenment of the six perfections”.
    Strongly recommend to watch! (*)

  4. Dharma friends nurture Dharma seeds in us, lazy friends water our lazy seeds.

    Going on this journey – I think, there is a need – lots of spiritual company or spiritual environments to offer reminder, sharing and encouraging, watering the Dharma Seeds in an open and positive manner plus compassion.

    Sometime, I do meet people who are not so enthusiasm in this area (due to whatever reasons – no right and no wrong), telling me, don’t need to be so extreme and this or that is not required.

  5. Thanks to Sunny for recommending the DVD. Havn’t finished watching it yet though! Crystal, I think we should simply be enthusiastic in worthy causes. It’s actually the lazy ones who are ‘extreme’! Here is the English version of the above posted by Dreamy –

    Practice of the Six Perfections by Mindfulness of the Buddha

    In true mindfulness of the Buddha,
    letting go of attachment to one’s body, mind and the world
    is the great Perfection of Giving.

    In true mindfulness of the Buddha,
    not giving rise to any thought of greed, hatred or ignorance
    is the great Perfection of Morality.

    In true mindfulness of the Buddha,
    not being attached to conflicts or hearsay of others and oneself
    is the Great Perfection of Patience.

    In true mindfulness of the Buddha,
    having neither a slight break of continuity of mindfulness nor any confused thoughts in between
    is the Great Perfection of Effort.

    In true mindfulness of the Buddha,
    neither giving rise to, driven by nor chasing after stray thoughts
    is the Great Perfection of Concentration.

    In true mindfulness of the Buddha,
    not being tempted by any delusion
    is the Great Perfection of Wisdom.

    By 蕅益大师 Venerable Ou Yi (The Ninth Chinese Patriarch of Pureland Buddhism) Translated into English by Shen Shi’an

    Mindfulness of the Buddha:
    Mindful verbal or silent recitation of the Buddha’s name or remembrance of the Buddha and His virtues.

    Amituofo 😉

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