Category: Photojournal
__ Roots & Branches Spread your good roots wellto branch your goodness well. Stonepeace
__ Guiding Light Be a good guiding light,who guides othersto the best guiding light. Stonepeace
__ Brightness Vs Darkness May the brightness of truthdispel the darkness of ignorance. Stonepeace
__ Right Lights May more lights guide.May less lights distract. Stonepeace
__ Wind Upwards If the path winds,make surethe steps ascend. Stonepeace
__ Keep Progressing Progress step by step,thought by thought,word by word,deed by deed. Stonepeace
__ [T]ra[n]scending Keep refining.Keep ascending.Keep transcending. Stonepeace
__ Guiding Lights Your principles areyour guiding lights. Pure principles offerthe best guiding lights. Stonepeace
__ Rest & Rise Let vices rest for good.Let virtues rise forever. Stonepeace
__ 观得自在 观自在菩萨,观无自我在。
__ From Moment To Moment Because everything changesfrom moment to moment,we should treasure everythingin this moment. Because everything changesfrom moment…
__ Sun & Shade Get enough sun.Get enough shade. Stonepeace
__ Calmer & Clearer Be calm to be clear.Be calmer to be clearer. Stonepeace
__ Money Needed? If money is no object,what should you really do? Are you sure moneyis really needed for it?wel…
__ Better To Best Leave the world a better placeand as a better person — for the best placeto be…
__ To The Peak After choosing the worthiest goal,keep progressing towards the peakof what you should reach. Stonepeace
__ Egoless Trip More important thanascending physicallyout of ego isascending spirituallyto be egoless. Stonepeace
__ 安心 提起佛号,当下心安 (书法:李俊乐)
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