Tag: blessing
__ Further Reflections 105: A position of high poweris possibly more dangerousas the higher you are,the harder you might fall,if…
From ‘Young Blood’, as covered by Birdy… Lyrics: We’re only young and naive still We require certain skills The mood…
The headline read, ‘McDonald’s Goes Vegetarian — In India’. Some branches at least. Well, for making more money, makes ‘cents’…
By Royston Sim [The Straits Times]: ‘For 40 minutes on Saturday morning, representatives from eight religions took turns to recite…
Friedrich Nietzsche wrote… “What if a demon were to creep after you one night, in your loneliest loneliness, and say,…
A Chinese new year text greeting I received and forwarded: 愿佛法的人生伴随你, 观音菩萨的慈悲充满你, 文殊菩萨的智慧带领你, 地藏菩萨的愿力加持你, 普贤菩萨的行愿成就你 ! 愿您在十方佛菩萨的加持下一切如意,法喜充满。 合十敬祝您在新的一年里万事吉祥,如意安康,一切圆满。 阿弥陀佛! It…
Amulets might offer some protection – but they cannot protect anyone from eventual death. Amulets might offer some blessings –…
The worst gift can be the best gift. The quality of a gift does not depend on it(self), but on…
From ‘The Color of Earth’ by Kim Dong Hwa, a young monk poignantly thinks to himself when he realises he…
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