Tag: choice
__ You Can Decide From moment to moment,you can mindfully decideto darken or brightenyour mind and life. Stonepeace
__ Find And Walk It Find the best path fromtrains of meandering thoughtsand walk it well to the end.
__ Why Choose? Since evento not chooseis to choose,choose well. Stonepeace
__ To The Peak After choosing the worthiest goal,keep progressing towards the peakof what you should reach. Stonepeace
__ Further Reflections 105: A position of high poweris possibly more dangerousas the higher you are,the harder you might fall,if…
__ Further Reflections 61: To avoid needless suffering,never focus on what you cannot control. 62: Those who have much suffering,cling…
__ Further Reflections 48: Control what you can control well.Ignore what you cannot control at all. 49: Learn to choose…
__ Further Reflections 37: Spiritual cultivation isthe relinquishing of bad habitsand the perpetuating of pure habits. 38: Have courage to…
__ Further Reflections 34: Choose the three antidotesof generosity, compassion and wisdom.Refuse the three poisonsof greed, hatred and delusion. 35:…
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response….
Decision: Super Short Story #699 He thought it was amazingthat anyone could live a life,which is but a seriesof decisions…
Crossroads: Dharmagram #43 At every moment are crossroads, that lead to more moments with more crossroads. Choose well then, to…
NY Adventure 6: Times Square (1) Many bright video billboards in broad daylight at Times Square, each vying for attention,…
OPTIONS: At food courts, some peer at what others are eating, before locating stalls selling what they fancied. Some peer…
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