Tag: wisdom
__ Brightness Vs Darkness May the brightness of truthdispel the darkness of ignorance. Stonepeace
__ Further Reflections 48: Control what you can control well.Ignore what you cannot control at all. 49: Learn to choose…
__ Never Leave A Book/shop… Never leave a bookor bookshopwithout some nuggets of wisdom
_ Gain Knowledge Vs Realise Wisdom Knowledge can be gained,but wisdom must be realised. – Stonepeace
_ What You Are Not Born For You are not born to be greedy,which will harm yourself.If generous, you will…
Fool: Super Short Story #745 It is always wiser to keep seeking wiser ones as you might be…
Fool: Super Short Story #537 First, there was a fool talking nonsense. Then, there was a person who tried…
Stranger: Dharmagram #219 The first stranger is oneself, before one goes ‘versus’ other strangers. Knowing thyself is the first step…
Firmness: Dharmagram #166 Stand firm in the cultivation of both blessings and wisdom.
Give & Be: Dharmagram #156 Give with wisdom. Give wisdom itself. Be with kindness. Be kindness itself.
Love: Dharmagram #153 All we need is love in terms of compassion with wisdom, which together stand for the essence…
Roots: Dharmagram #125 落地生根的榕树。 愿众生善根深厚, 福慧增长,直至佛性。
Page for the day from ‘The Daily Stoic’. Always be kind and wise to one and all.
Brightness: Dharmagram #62 May all depart from the darkness of delusion by progressing towards the brightness of wisdom.
Dharmagram #26: A glitter ball is no perfect mirror, only presenting the fragmented and distorted. May we work towards the…
NY Adventure 44: Library The lion is in the logo of the NY Public Library, which is of course a…
Super Short Story #459: Suffering There is only the problem of how to overcome suffering TOTALLY. It was a question…
More broadly, ‘Are we wise enough to know how deluded we are?’ The only way to know is to be…
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