Category: Veganism
Super Short Story #427: Animals She loved some animals such as stray cats and dogs so much that she feeds…
Yulin Dogs = Big Mac Cows. There is no difference.
Why support wrong livelihood? The Buddha classified any profiting from harm of sentient beings as unskilful.
(Buddhists don’t believe a cruel yet perfect creator god exists at all.)
Veganism = A way of life in terms of consumption and use, that minimises harm of sentient beings. Yay!
Trick question: Where do you draw the line? Right answer: What line? There is no need to draw a line…
Veganism: The sane idea that we should avoid paying someone to kill someone else.
A poem that can be read two ways via two columns and all the way across! (From Jerome Lim)
We vegans don’t force anyone; we simply urge more to end forcing of other beings, with our kind and wise…
Every buy of meat is a vote for more violence.
Yes, in effect, even if out of delusional misinformation…
Sentient beings are all interconnected family members across many lifetimes.
Almost half the monks in Thailand are overweight, so says Monastics can EASILY eat and drink healthier by EDUCATING…
Buddhism already sees food and drink as medicine for healing the recurring sickness of hunger and thirst. Just as medicine…
Need meat? Well, the only ones who need animals’ meat are the animals themselves, just as the only ones who…
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