New Features
__ Worldly To Spiritual Rise above the worldly.Extend to the spiritual. Stonepeace
__ Moon Lamp The moon, like an artificial sun.The lamp, like an artificial moon.
__ Point Do you know what is your point?Do you know what is the point? Stonepeace
__ Fundamental Delusion The fundamental delusionis that there is a lasting selfwithin this changing body and mind. Stonepeace (pic: ‘Hungry…
__ Here & Now Cherish here and nowas it is what you havehere and now. Stonepeace
__ Arbitrary Divisions Divisions are as if arbitrary,though they arise karmically. Stonepeace
__ All Bright Lights May all lights directand not distract.May all bright inspireand not intimidate. Stonepeace
__ You Can Decide From moment to moment,you can mindfully decideto darken or brightenyour mind and life. Stonepeace
__ Find And Walk It Find the best path fromtrains of meandering thoughtsand walk it well to the end.
__ More Or Less Smile With more or less continuous mindfulness of Buddha,for more or less connecting to your Buddha-nature,smile…
__ Human/Nature Even as humanstry to overtake nature,nature governs humans. Stonepeace
__ Space & Time May all have space and timeto reflect on life and death.
__ Connect & Communicate Connect to communicate first.Communicate to connect further. Stonepeace
—— Ever Closer May every stepbring us ever closerto the other shore.
__ Light The Way May clear bright lightlead all the wayto its source directly.
__ Definite Destiny 愿已坚,命已定。 With aspiration already firm,destiny is already definite. Stonepeace
__ What Good? What good is thatwhich is not goodfor all ultimately,even if not instantly? Stonepeace
__ Spiritual Natures 天地之间,山水鬼神,畜生与人,皆有己灵。 Between the heavens and earth,of ghosts and gods of mountains and rivers,animals and humans,all have their…
__ Impact Over Imprint On this short path of life,create significant impact,not just little imprints. Stonepeace
__ Sun Or Moon Like the sun,shine a bright light,or like the moon,reflect one. Stonepeace
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