Author: Karma
__ Fundamental Delusion The fundamental delusionis that there is a lasting selfwithin this changing body and mind. Stonepeace (pic: ‘Hungry…
__ Growth It is in the character of growththat we should learn fromboth pleasant and unpleasant experiences. Nelson Mandela Full…
_ Rites Of Passage In life, with reasonably calculated risk,and with stretching of your courage,take the rites of passage encounteredto…
Three Reasons To Forgive I, I forgive you,[1] you are not what you have done Oh, I, I forgive you,[2]…
__ Two-Part Rule For Everything There is an old two-part rulethat often works wondersin business, science, and elsewhere: 1. Take…
__ Power Packs Of Ideas Twenty-volume folioswill never make a revolution.It’s the little pocket pampletsthat are to be feared. Voltaire…
__ Further Reflections 105: A position of high poweris possibly more dangerousas the higher you are,the harder you might fall,if…
__ Further Reflections 102: Live in peaceand be rebornwith greater peace and blissin Pure Land. 103: May our four elementsnourish…
__ Further Reflections 91: With greed for worldy pleasuresand hatred of worldly pain cyclically,how can there be transcendence for spiritual…
__ [3] Supernormal InvitationAnd Protection Paradox Explorers seek encounters,even verbally inviting communication,but they also seek protection,even physically bringing protective items….
__ [1] Supernormal Disturbance And Helpfulness Paradox Explorers saythey do not want to disturb,but their exploring is disturbing. They saythey…
_ Further Reflections 84: True peace of mindarises from refugein the Right Dharma,in thought, word and deed. 85: The more…
__ Further Reflections 77: Your Buddha-nature isyour inner citadel and refuge.Align with it. Never let it downand it will never…
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