Tag: Veganism
Make the connection.
_ No Willpower Needed Being vegandoesn’t take willpower. It just takes a willingnessto choose compassionover convenience. Thank you for being…
_ Happy Cow: Sam & Sara #460 Sam: There’s a site and app called Happy Cow for promoting veg foods worldwide.Sara:…
_ Cow / Human What irony –the ‘humanising’ of cows,with the marketing of beef –to humans.
_ Missing What? May animals miss usfor how we were,loving. May we not miss animalsfor how they were,‘tasty’.
Love If you love nature,don’t lord over it. If you love animals,don’t eat them. . . Full Teaching: 《大佛顶首楞严经》卷第六:四种决定清净明诲章:第二重戒 The…
_ Herbivore Plant-eater;Animal-lover;Earth-lover;Health-lover;Human-lover…
Forming an overhead bridge to protect the tiny. May all parents teach and praise their children for practising compassion towards…
Does a mother hen not love her chicks like a human mother love her children? Do chicks not love their…
Is not the opening of all kinds of packaging with deceased animals’ parts within, the opening of caskets? Is not…
Queue: Super Short Story #714 As the humansqueued for their flesh one by one,the animals queued for their slaughter. When…
Wing: Super Short Story #705 She says she wants a chicken wing. He says the chicken wants two.
Billions: Dharmagram #388From ‘Yes Ve-Gan! : A Blueprint For Vegan Living’by Selene Nelson
Love: Super Short Story #523 Hers was a strange, and some would say sick love. She loves animals when well…
Veganism: Dharmagram #257 Buddhist veganism. (From Candice Kumai’s ‘Kintsugi Wellness’)
Veganism: Dharmagram #216 Minus alcohol too and it’s Mahayana Buddhism’s consumption ideal, as taught directly by Sakyamuni Buddha in…
Food: Dharmagram #189 三餐三善, 一生持素, 一生行善。
Meal: Dharmagram #162 Food and drink in terms of vege soup.
爱: Dharmagram #109 爱吃死鱼, 还是爱护活鱼? 哪一个才是真爱?
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