Category: Quotes
__ Wherever You Are And Whatever You Do Wherever I go it will be well with me, for it was…
__ Determine And Be Determined First say to yourselfwhat you would be;and then dowhat you have to do. Epictetus Determination…
__ Growth It is in the character of growththat we should learn fromboth pleasant and unpleasant experiences. Nelson Mandela Full…
__ Further Reflections 105: A position of high poweris possibly more dangerousas the higher you are,the harder you might fall,if…
__ Further Reflections 102: Live in peaceand be rebornwith greater peace and blissin Pure Land. 103: May our four elementsnourish…
__ Further Reflections 91: With greed for worldy pleasuresand hatred of worldly pain cyclically,how can there be transcendence for spiritual…
_ Further Reflections 84: True peace of mindarises from refugein the Right Dharma,in thought, word and deed. 85: The more…
__ Further Reflections 77: Your Buddha-nature isyour inner citadel and refuge.Align with it. Never let it downand it will never…
__ Further Reflections 61: To avoid needless suffering,never focus on what you cannot control. 62: Those who have much suffering,cling…
__ Further Reflections 48: Control what you can control well.Ignore what you cannot control at all. 49: Learn to choose…
__ Further Reflections 37: Spiritual cultivation isthe relinquishing of bad habitsand the perpetuating of pure habits. 38: Have courage to…
__ Further Reflections 34: Choose the three antidotesof generosity, compassion and wisdom.Refuse the three poisonsof greed, hatred and delusion. 35:…
__ To The Bone 不经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香? If not going through a period of coldgoing through to the bone,how can one get…
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