Tag: emptiness
__ 守破离Shuhari [1] Shu (守):Guard and abideby traditional wisdomwith learning of fundamentals [2] Ha (破):Detach and break awayfrom traditionsto discover…
__ 亦有亦无Also With, Also Without 有构无构Have a structure that is without structure 有色无色Have forms that are without forms
_ Do Your Best With Illusion What can we do,but make do with illusion,to use best illusory forms.to realise their…
Clouds: Dharmagram #53 No, the Buddha did not teach in this way, though the concept is true to Buddhism, that…
The art of (re)defining art itself, which is possible as it is empty of any fixed nature.
In the end, the Dharma is about purifying our perception to develop perfect wisdom (by seeing form/emptiness properly), and about…
An important slide for ‘The Heart Of The Heart Sutra’ class: http://thedailyenlightenment.com/2016/12/the-heart-of-the-heart-sutra-the-core-of-wisdom-11th-run
‘Exit Through The Gift Shop’ is a witty documentary about and by Banksy, that prompts good questions about what makes…
Question: About these words… ‘Seeing Form itself as Emptiness produces great Wisdom so one does not dwell in birth and death;…
I heard a Dharma teacher saying she encountered another Dharma teacher, who was supposedly an expert in teaching about emptiness,…
I love how this piece of news is flipping perceptions around: http://independent.co.uk/news/science/candles-shine-new-light-on-diamonds-2339499.html Diamond dust forged in candle flames ‘Magical’ transmutation…
Learnt from Geshe Damdul’s talk tonight, in my own words: Actualisation of Bodhicitta brings about tenderness (an aspect of compassion)….
In ‘All Star Superman: Volume 1’ by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, Superman tries to convince Lois Lane that he…
What is the difference between an actual flower and a dream flower? That’s the only difference… The first is an…
Question: While the three spheres (of self, other and connecting action) are interdependent of each other, how does emptiness come…
Koi Cafe’s drinks are becoming very popular these days. (I go only for the vegan ones, once a while, free…
Upon entering Dharma Drum Mountain’s resource library is an interesting artwork. It’s called 心经影壁 or ‘Wall of Images of the…
Form is emptiness; (色即是空) Emptiness is form. (空即是色) Form is not different from emptiness;(色不异空) Emptiness is not different from form. …
‘…Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.’ – Stephen King Monsters…
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