Category: Mix
__ [3] Supernormal InvitationAnd Protection Paradox Explorers seek encounters,even verbally inviting communication,but they also seek protection,even physically bringing protective items….
__ [1] Supernormal Disturbance And Helpfulness Paradox Explorers saythey do not want to disturb,but their exploring is disturbing. They saythey…
_ The Ghost Photo Paradox Real pictures of ghostsmust look kind of fake,because if they do look real,they will look…
_ Confront Your Shadow ‘Self’ Walking in the grey of the fog,only with the brightness of the lamp,chased by the…
[1] Enough : What’s in Lack?Is the person not speaking loudly enough?Or are you not listening hard enough? It is…
_ Betrayal: Wandering Thought #279 The worst possible betrayal isby the most trusted and thus least expected,therefore difficult to prevent….
_ Press-ure Literally pressed for time;physically pressed by time. May we all learn and practisewhat is essential in time:
Love If you love nature,don’t lord over it. If you love animals,don’t eat them. . . Full Teaching: 《大佛顶首楞严经》卷第六:四种决定清净明诲章:第二重戒 The…
The truth is the truth. What does it matter… that someone revealed it… though you might not like it? The…
In the Surangama Sutra, it says that Aniruddha, the Arhat greatest with heavenly vision sees our section of the…
Verb(al) Paradox ‘Verbal’ is a verb.‘Verb’ is a noun.
‘Diogenes standing to right, holding his cloak together with one hand and his cup in front of him with the…
Question: Is an executioner who carries out the death sentence ordered by the judicial court guilty of killing in Buddhism?…
Shock: Super Short Story #557 She was becoming used to becoming shocked at the good of a person, followed by…
Glasses: Super Short Story #522 As he was new to wearing glasses, he was slow to notice how quickly dust…
The worst poison is not immediately lethal. It is slow-burning, which poisons and destroys more and more, without the poisoned knowing…
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