Category: Books
‘Contentment is the greatest wealth.’ – Śākyamuni Buddha (Dhammapada) ‘The moment we are content, we have enough. The problem is…
Love: Dharmagram #286 True love heals and never hurts – not even the unrequited lover, for true love is…
Dying: Dharmagram #258 A book’s title as a key teaching from it. (By James Romm)
Veganism: Dharmagram #257 Buddhist veganism. (From Candice Kumai’s ‘Kintsugi Wellness’)
Circles: Dharmagram #235 Do directly what to be done, and think not in circles what not to be thought.
Kuya: Dharmagram #220 京都六波罗蜜寺 之空也大师画像。 南无阿弥陀佛。
Stranger: Dharmagram #219 The first stranger is oneself, before one goes ‘versus’ other strangers. Knowing thyself is the first step…
Veganism: Dharmagram #216 Minus alcohol too and it’s Mahayana Buddhism’s consumption ideal, as taught directly by Sakyamuni Buddha in…
Essence: Dharmagram #214 To simplify without loss of essence is the challenge. Not doing so is to complicate which…
Sureness: Dharmagram #213 Sureness over swiftness, though it is possible to be both swift and sure.
Meditation: Dharmagram #212 Write your meditations upon his meditations.
Wrong: Dharmagram #115 The only thing wrong with being wrong is to neither admit so, nor to right the wrong….
Stoicism: Dharmagram #110 Be stoical in daily life, as that’s what stoicism is for. (Many stoic principles are aligned to…
Insult: Dharmagram #107 Insults that are true are but reminders of truth, while insults that are untrue are but reminders…
Kindness: Dharmagram #99 It is always wise to be kind. It is always unwise to be unkind. (Page from ‘The…
Page for the day from ‘The Daily Stoic’. Always be kind and wise to one and all.
Got an idea to write a short book titled ‘101 Reasons Why You’re An Idiot’. Sounds a little ‘rude’, but…
More broadly, ‘Are we wise enough to know how deluded we are?’ The only way to know is to be…
Three books on our present post-truth era, reminding us of the timeless value of observing the Fourth Precept against false…
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