Tag: truth
Choose continually and unswervingly the things which are according to nature, and reject those contrary to nature. —…
In a comic by Fēng Zikǎi (丰子恺) titled ‘Clock Awaiting Repair’ (待修的钟), a grinning man points at a public…
Hoax: Super Short Story #717 Truth: He is tired of being a hoax-busterfor those not tired ofbeing truth-bustersand hoax-buster-busters.
Truth: Dharmagram #393 It is old newsto neither listen tonor spread fake news.
News: Dharmagram #392 Read the newsorfind the truth?
Karma: Super Short Story #695 The liar only believed that his ill causes will lead to the ‘good’ effects he…
Information: Super Short Story #684 The so-called age of informationhas become so ‘informative’that it is now also the age…
Declaration: Super Short Story #679 Declaration that one will changeis not better than to really change,and let others see so…
Truth: Super Short Story #677 The truth needs no maintaining,while lies need to be createdand coordinated to resemble truth. The…
Lie: Super Short Story: #656 The most terrible lieis not that which fools everyone else,but that fools the liar too,into thinking…
Honesty: Super Short Story #633 He preferred othersto be brutally honest to him,to learn the harsh truths about himselfas swiftly…
Truth: Super Short Story #622There are already so many true storieswith important truths to learn from,that she does not read…
Spade: Super Short Story #586 The star clearly spoke about the issue wrongly,even though fans insist he was merely…
Confrontation: Super Short Story #574 As if there is confronting, there might be retaliating, may there be self-reflecting swiftly, to…
Commitment: Super Short Story #554 Lying with fingers crossed, she was as if committing, paradoxically promising to lie, with a…
Sagan’s Standard: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Thought: Ordinary claims require only ordinary evidence; unless they were mistaken as ordinary….
Popper’s Falsifiability Principle: For a theory to be considered scientific, it must be falsifiable. Thought: Even the scientific are called…
Newton’s Flaming Laser Sword: If something cannot be settled by experiment or observation, then it is not worthy of debate….
Hitchens’ Razor: What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Thought: The burden to create faith must…
Occam’s Razor: Simpler explanations are more likely to be correct; avoid unnecessary or improbable assumptions. Thought: Things are often simpler…
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