Tag: truth
During one of the telecasted auditions of American Idol Season 8, a girl entered the audition room, like most others,…
The initial critical mass needed for creating the actual critical mass is just one person – why not you? –…
I was looking through my old phone’s notes… a collection of words, most of which do not form complete sentences,…
Beliefs of a ‘Non-Believer’ http://buddhistchannel.tv/index.php?id=8,7674,0,0,1,0 I watched the live telecast of Obama’s inaugural presidential speech last night. It was largely…
From the story ‘The Maggies’ in ‘American Splendor’ by Harvey Pekar – Harvey: (Detecting untruthfulness) When you talk about dishonest…
The nails which are the hardest to cut are those of my two big toes, which tend to grow inwards…
The Meaning of Meaning Zeph doesn’t consider himself a very ‘deep’ person. But he recognises that he contemplates on stuff…
I used to wonder this when I come across news of celebrity marriages in the papers – ‘Why is it…
While chatting with someone on something serious, he suggested that I be as candid as possible with him. I laughed…
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