Tag: blame
Sincerity: Super Short Story #575 ‘Always be sincerely blameless; always be blamelessly sincere.’ He thought – ‘For how else should…
Thoughts from ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee (as adapted and illustrated by Fred Fordham): You can never…
Sam & Sara #362 Sam: (While being sloppily helped by Sara) Lousy! Sara: Didn’t I successfully help you before? Sam: Well,…
He knocked a glass off the next table, and it shattered on the ground. Whose fault is it? He wondered……
When one trips and falls, it’s easier to look for someone to blame, than to realise one was unmindful, as…
A Tit for a Tat (71) Tit: Hey, wake me up when the alarm clock goes off next time! Tat:…
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