Tag: mindfulness
__ Here & Now Cherish here and nowas it is what you havehere and now. Stonepeace
__ You Can Decide From moment to moment,you can mindfully decideto darken or brightenyour mind and life. Stonepeace
__ Western Bridge 信愿念佛即极乐桥 With Faith and Aspiration being mindful of Āmítuófóis to walk the bridge to his Pure Land…
__ Un/Real Without deeper mindfulnessof the way things really are,even the real will seem unreal. Stonepeace
_ Guard That not guarded wellmight well be lost. Stonepeace
_ Remember Your Resolutions No need to remember your achievements,as they have already been achieved. Remember your resolutions,as they have…
__ Reverent Mindfulness Reverent mindfulnessof an awakened Buddhaalso reverently awakensyour Buddha-nature. Stonepeace
_ Fight (Not) What you watch and not watch,fight and not fightwill still pass. (Pic: ‘Anxious Little Monsters: A Gentle…
_ Confront Your Shadow ‘Self’ Walking in the grey of the fog,only with the brightness of the lamp,chased by the…
_ Be Seamlessly Wakeful May all beas mindful as possible,as much as possible.
_ Just Nuts Sometimes,by simply highlightingthe simplest things,by making us pay attention,to focus on them,this makes them ‘special’. (pic: last…
_ Moonrise (Again?) Is this just another moonrise,or a unique moonrise,seen with unique eyes? (pic: the moon before a supermoon)
_ Watch Your Breathing What you watch well,be it your breathingor thought,without reacting to it,will make you calm and clear….
_ False Alarm Feeling alarmeddoes not always meanthere is cause for alarm. If you cannot differentiatefalse from true alarms,you will…
_ Best Meditation The best meditation does not require emptying of your mind, or filling it with mindfulness of an…
Might As Well Rather than focusing onnot focusing onthe wrong thought,might as well focus onthe right thought. Choose mindfulness of…
行到水穷处, 坐看云起时。 — 王维 《终南别业》 When walking, arriving at where the water ends, sit and watch the clouds arise….
Lightning: Super Short Story #685 You have to be in the momentto catch and appreciatelightning strike in the moment.It…
Story: Super Short Story #683 Perhaps, if you cannot deliberately writean interesting story about your life,your life is perhaps uninteresting?…
Actually: Super Short Story #617 He actually realised thathe doesn’t actually needto say ‘actually’ so much.
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