Tag: perseverance
__ 完 完成好过完美?完美了才完成! (书法:李俊乐)
__ To The Bone 不经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香? If not going through a period of coldgoing through to the bone,how can one get…
__ Strive And Rest Well Those who strive wellare those who rest well,so that they can strive on well. Stonepeace
Well-being is realised by small steps, but is truly no small thing. — Zeno of Citium
If I step onto my misfortune, I stand higher. — Friedrich Hölderlin
Lyrics: Don’t give inDon’t you dare quit so easyGive all that you got on the swordDon’t say that you won’t…
Perseverance: Wandering Thought #255 Before you give up helping anyone, including yourself, reflect on whether there is anyone else who…
Rock steadiness Vajra perseverance Bodhidharma’s Bodhi Dharma
The Wonderful Dharma of the Daruma Doll Hi ni! fu ni! Fundan Daruma ga Akai zukin kaburi sunmaita! Once! twice!…
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