Category: Movies
It is a rule, as if, in horror movies and stories, that no matter how terrified the protagonists are, of…
Translation: ‘Persistence does not definitely lead to success. Giving up definitely leads to failure.’ But of course, never persist to…
From ‘Mockingjay Part 2’, Plutarch Heavensbee’s letter to Katniss says, ‘The war is over. We’ll enter that sweet period where…
From ‘The Lady In The Van’… Alan: Shouldn’t you say sorry? Miss Shepherd: I’ve no time for sorry. Sorry is…
Screenshot from the movie ‘军中乐园’ (Paradise In Service). It’s a scene of a kid being a Peeping Tom, grinning at…
Interesting to accidentally find past written stuff mentioned in other writers’ books. Very briefly in this instance though. Here is…
一部稀有难得讲述佛法准确的电影。感谢没为了炒高票房而加一些历史不实的爱媚情节!不过,还是觉得有些剧情不属实,但没伤到佛法。总觉得黄晓明没有玄奘大师的风范。他比较有武生样,没书生样,但因扮演出家人,他既然在拍戏期间断肉茹素。这举动不但对角色(玄奘大师)敬重,也令人敬佩。不过,能从此断肉更好,科科! 玄奘大师的一生大概每一位正信佛教徒都略知一二;哪怕是从大师本人著作的《大唐西域记》或吴承恩虚构夸张的《西游记》。大家都知道当时跨国取经并非容易之事,大师偷渡出境到天竺(当时的印度)取经,一路上都是考验和困难重重。如果没有那份坚定不移的至诚恳切心,换是我们这群人,还没入沙漠就已经叫爹喊娘了。 离乡背井近十九年,他一返回国就全神贯注展开庞大的译经工作。大师无私的贡献让我们晚辈受益良多。很遗憾的是大师所著作的《破恶见论》已失传。这可说是从古到今唯一中国僧人用梵文所写的佛教典籍。大师是为了在一场宗教大辩论上,为维护大乘教义而写的。辩论的起因是有位年老的婆罗门,般若鞠多,写了共七百颂的《破大乘论》。小乘僧人由此提出召集辩论的意见。戒日王(当代天竺第一王)便写信给那烂陀寺住持(戒贤法师)邀请派人参辩。同时,也请了四位知己知彼、内外兼修、大小俱通的大德来辩。 长话短说,本是一场大小乘的辨论,演变成了一场全国性以佛教为主的的宗教大辩论。戒日王让大师面对全印度顶级法师的挑战。他通知了五印度(东、西、南、北、中印度,就是古印度全境),所有宗教顶尖人物,来曲女城参加大会。这一来能展示了大师高超的学问,二来能摧毁各种自以为是的邪知邪见。大师的重任,不言而喻。 恒河南岸,召集了几十万观众赶赴曲女城。鸠摩罗王(天竺第二王)也在恒河北岸召集了几万观众。这场曲女城大会的参与者包括18位国王(一者说20多位),大小乘僧人3000余人,婆罗门和外道2000余人,那烂陀寺1000余人,方圆几十里满满当当,挥汗如雨。当时佛教并非是印度的主要宗教,不过是无数宗教中的一种。这场大辩论,由大师为主,单挑2000多名僧人和外道。大师还立下了生死状!天竺辩经主持一方一定要立输了的条件的,而赢了的条件一般立的很少。当然,大师赢了。《破恶见论》也呈给了戒贤法师。 戏里所描述的不比历史记载的精彩,毕竟时间有限。演员配音的梵语也有点别扭。欣慰的是取景和艺术指导没得挑啦。可以说肯定不会世俗般卖座,但值得一看。(P.S. 历史资讯来自百度百科。) – 真悯 合十 For English Review, See
First see the video at 虽然《叶问3》说比武时‘唯快不破’, 但按部就班的’慢工’(也能)出(胜利的) 细 ‘货’! 冲动的快反而不攻自破! (Vision matters more than speed. Impatience is a weakness.)
You put together two egomaniacal super/men who each thinks himself as the true protector/hero and the other a fake. You…
‘A Single Shot’ can lead to a thousand consequences. All sensible movies are of causes-and-effects, chains-and-webs, as they reflect reality. Even a non-shot can lead to a…
Oscar the Grouch and the Grinch are Green, and they both start ‘G’, and they are both Grouchy Grinning killjoys….
In ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’, it was said that the Hulk avoids fights as he knows he will win, while…
甲:我不大会看艺术片! 乙:没有会看或不会看; 只须要用眼用心看! 甲:用心也是一门艺术!
In the musical movie, ‘Into The Woods’, which retells the Cinderella story (among other fairy tales), her shoes got stuck…
From the movie ‘This Is Where I Leave You’… Judd: I’ve never taken chances. I’ve spent my entire life playing…
From the movie ‘The Rewrite’… Keith: I would argue late bloomers may have had talent all along. It was just…
In the movies ‘Laggies’ is this dialogue… Counsellor: So, I’m becoming concerned that Annika is not taking steps towards her…
A couple of incidental almost wise dialogues from ‘Horrible Bosses 2’ Cop: You own this establishment? Nick: This place here?…
As inspired by the movie ‘Horns’, but not following its plot… When he first sprouted a horn, he was shunned,…
‘Men do not fear swords. They fear monsters… Sometimes the world no longer needs a hero. Sometimes what it needs…
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