Tag: aversion
_ Rejecting Vs Accepting Anxiety Rejecting anxietyincreases anxiety. Accepting anxietydecreases anxiety. (Pic from ‘Everything Is OK’ by Debbie Tung)
_ A Kind Of Credo Without attachment, expect nothing.Without aversion, fear nothing.Accord with Buddha-nature gladly.Be heroic with the Bodhisattva path,in…
Mixed Feelings: Super Short Story #595 Looking through her drawer of knick-knacks,she discovered a treasure trove of forgotten fickle loves,a…
From: ‘How To Die: An Ancient Guide to the End of Life’ by Seneca, edited, translated, and introduced by James…
Super Short Story #462: Forces The more she tries to increase centrifugal force to swing away, to ‘think’ away, to…
Super Short Story #460: Skin The snake was overwhelmed by disgust at his half-shed skin, but more so by his…
Your irritability is your responsibility!
Danny Rand of ‘Iron Fist’ sharing a Zen saying (in episode 1), so he claims. The closest Chinese equivalent I…
Wonder if such shoes that look abandoned come from abrupt dumping due to preference for new ones, or generosity to…
Interestingly, other drivers might think the same of you? Hmmm… If you always expect the world to centre around your…
Lamentations: Wandering Thought #275: Even if those whom we had good times with do not remember or treasure them like…
In the musical movie, ‘Into The Woods’, which retells the Cinderella story (among other fairy tales), her shoes got stuck…
Disgruntlement: Super Short Story #350 The disgruntlement at her life being not being as wonderful as expected instantly made her…
Library: Super Short Story #347 As he was attached to his expectation of silence in the library, every little sound…
Wandering Thought #150: Monster The greatest and most immediate monsters in our lives are always the most powerful and devious,…
Wandering Thought #25: Aversion If you have to do what is necessary but deemed unpleasant, why make it doubly worse…
Super Short Story (240): Dog She squirmed and scowled at the person coming the other way with a dog on…
Super Short Story (197): Ghost Theory He has a theory about why many ghost stories feature women with long hair….
Super Short Story (189): Bad Day He encouraged his bipolar friend: ‘There are good and bad days for everyone unenlightened….
Super Short Story (124): Heels She found it bizarre how some other women seem to like walking around quickly and…
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