Tag: rebirth
__ Space & Time May all have space and timeto reflect on life and death.
__ Further Reflections 102: Live in peaceand be rebornwith greater peace and blissin Pure Land. 103: May our four elementsnourish…
_ Prepare Thyself Prepare not merely for death (and burial),but for the best rebirth in Pure Land,with which there is…
Repetition: Super Short Story #647 He repeated the following to himself:Repeatedly do only one thing –learn new lessons well,so that…
From: ‘How To Die: An Ancient Guide to the End of Life’ by Seneca, edited, translated, and introduced by James…
Lives: Dharmagram #370 Or rather… We have lived many lives in many bodies with many minds.
Cycle: Dharmagram #307 In Samsara, after an up comes a down… thus the need for liberation from it all….
Round: Dharmagram #127 Too many rounds and too fast on the existential merry-go-round becomes not so merry, even possible to…
Update: Dharmagram #114 Work on updating yourself spiritually, even if it takes a while, but don’t restart many times –…
Wellness: Dharmagram #97 Live well to die well. Die better to be reborn better.
A slightly different book version found: 畜牲本是人来做, 人畜轮回古到今。 若不披毛并戴角, 劝君休使畜性心。 – 普庵禅师 Animals [including livestock] originally were humans, [who have]…
Crossing: Dharmagram #77 Cross black and white to get to the other side. Cross birth and death to get to…
Wake: Dharmagram #72 When reminded of death, be it before, during and after WAKEs, may we further aWAKEn spiritually, to…
Frankenstein: Dharmagram #71 The poignant epigraph of the ‘Frankenstein (The Modern Prometheus)’, the classic novel by Mary Shelley, is a…
Assimilation: Dharmagram #59 The movie ‘Annihilation’ is not really about destruction, but a deeper exploration about the nature of death,…
There were interesting detailed studies done on the links between birthmarks and past life memories by Dr Ian Stevenson from…
Some beings we are close to in this life we were already close to in a previous life, thus the…
Re-lighting candles for rebirthdays? Instructions say they will re-light on and on when blown ‘out’, till put in water. Sounds…
Of Asian Sisyphuses and human ostriches. The cure for cyclical suffering due to voluntary ignorance? Buddhadharma!
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