Category: Environmentalism
Car: Dharmagram #229 One white car and one half car in Chongqing?
Smoke: Dharmagram #223 A quick ‘ritualistic’ way to burn money and pollute.
Mountains: Dharmagram #221 The green mountains are mountains of gold and silver.
Smoke: Dharmagram #126 There is much sky and just a little smoke? Even a little is too much in this…
For lack of a forest, an artificially maintained grass patch with an artificial ‘tree’.
If these guys are cleaning, is this a startling example of how fancy building designs can be hazardous and back-breaking…
Post X’mas plus pre-CNY lighting overkill in the heartland, by adding red lanterns. Truth is, CNY has never been about…
Bring your resusable bottle and glass straw! (Koi cold oolong and green tea with aiyu.)
Saw this online – ‘Meat has no life. It is just protein. Many people protest the destruction of forests and…
SG50 Truth… Fireworks = Air pollution + Noise pollution + Light pollution… About 10 million dollars worth, so I’ve heard,…
The biggest piece of unsolicited and eco-unfriendly spam possible in the mailbox. And what irony, with a flyer ad on…
Save your blessings – reduce wastage. Recycle your blessings – reuse and recycle. – Stonepeace This bag is for recycling…
Here is a discussion initiated by L, which he claims to be robust, which isn’t, IMHO… At least, not from…
An event’s marketing material: ‘Vesak Day Carnival: Loving the World!… Food Fun: … Vegetarian & Non-Vegetarian… let’s increase our awareness…
Happy belated Valentine’s Day! Unique Valentine’s Day flower offering from Depeche Mode’s Facebook group, a virtual rose from the Enjoy…
What a joke! What good is a green building if it serves the least green food – animal produce? What…
The picture is a shred of toilet paper that I accidentally tore off while in the loo. As it was…
True that shark fin is quite tasteless and lacking in nutrition. 1. Every animal that is killed needlessly was in…
I’m wearing Croc cloth shoes. (An out-of production design) They’re pretty good … except that they are not totally waterproof….
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