Tag: Buddha
How do we recognise a Buddha image to be a Buddha image? Is it the twirls of hair? But where…
Not that it is definitely possible, if humans create a robot that is unerringly humane, in comparison to the average…
In the first ‘Gantz’ movie (see trailer below at around 46 seconds), a Vajrakumara (Dharma Protector guardian diety), a thousand…
RJ: Look at http://kooky.com.my/chinese/node/4324 – Buddha images speaking? SA: Hmmm… It’s a mixture of amazing and amusing…. Not sure if…
He spent $200,000 to change his kidneys via the black market. He spent 1 second to fall and die. What…
Open-hearted communication is the lifeblood of any relationship. Without the Buddha’s communication of the Dharma to the Sangha, of the…
Maybe we are imperfect, which is why we love the imperfect. [1] Is this a sickness or a virtue? Maybe…
The Buddha is also called ‘The Blessed One’. But who blesses the Blessed One, who blesses us with the Dharma?…
As generally defined, seven kinds of refuge. Which one are you? Generally, any form of refuge missing Dharma is spiritually…
To my aghast, I once heard a monk say that the path of attaining Nirvana is like pushing a button…
The ushnisha refers to the protuberance on the crown of the Buddha. It is one of the 32 special physical…
Someone asked if I was more left-brained or right brained. Not that I’m no-brained, but I couldn’t really say. Are…
From the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra (http://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Religion/Fac/Adler/Reln260/Vimalakirti.htm) are lesser known but some very surprising and illuminating teachings: ‘… Then the Licchavi…
A Buddhist friend whom I did not know too well commented during a group chat that just as the universe…
Q: I have always thought that the Buddha’s Parinirvana was the end and that he would not be subjected to…
Pic: Mug at Dharma Drum Mountain’s Bookshop at Jinshan OMG! Oh my God? Ohmigosh? OMB! Oh my Buddha! My own…
Symbol of the Triratna (: Sanskrit; Tiratana: Pali), as seen in the Sanchi stupa, 1st century BCE. 自皈依佛,当愿众生,绍隆佛种,发无上心 自皈依法,当愿众生,深入经藏,智慧如海 自皈依僧,当愿众生,统理大众,一切无碍…
Q: Does one who sacrifices his life for you have the greatest love of all? A: Being able to live…
Visited St. Patrick’s School again, a couple of days ago, to give a presentation on the Buddhist perspective of life…
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