Tag: Samsara
Over the years, I have come to accept that there are really many strange people (i.e. who are difficult to…
Ennui: Existential ‘sian-ness’ from cyclical existence, that hints of the need for liberation
Even clean water left long enough on clean tiles will collect dirt from the surrounding air. As it dries up,…
世间所有的相遇,都是久别重逢。- 章子怡饰演宫二,一代宗师 Every encounter in this world is a reunion after departure. – Gong Er, Zhang Ziyi in ‘The Grandmaster’…
何来烦恼? 自寻烦恼! ‘Definition’ of Samsara: Self-sabotage
Samsara might be interesting at times, but it is also dissatisfactory most of the time, even if at subtle levels….
The cleaner at the food court came to retrieve an empty tray, but with absent-mindedness. She lifts a tray off…
Above is Ni Andong’s cover of Damien Rice’s ‘The Blower’s Daughter’, whose original version is below. Ni’s take sent some shivers…
A genie appeared to three in a boat and granted each of them a wish. A: I want to go…
It’s okay, such nonsense, this (somewhat) nonsensical place with (some) nonsensical people with (some) nonsensical matters, because I’m leaving this…
From TheZena56: ‘I had a nightmare once. I was walking down a snowy road and the full moon was blood…
I found this re-blogged on another blog: Be careful when you sing a song of broken love, a song of…
The ingenious film that is ‘Inception’ begins with the assumption that it is possible for multiple persons to enter someone’s…
Q: I have always thought that the Buddha’s Parinirvana was the end and that he would not be subjected to…
One who braces for the hard knocks of life will find them less shocking and painful. Not bracing for reality…
Form is emptiness; (色即是空) Emptiness is form. (空即是色) Form is not different from emptiness;(色不异空) Emptiness is not different from form. …
Am sure you have come across ‘peculiar’ haikus, which seem weird in the sense that they seem to be about…
The classic ‘Mad World’ by Tears for Fears seems to be a poignant string of world-weary haikus. In between its…
S took a cursory glance at some alternative seats at the centre, where there is a full-house Dharma talk about…
A Tit for a Tat (117) Tit: I don’t feel that I belong! Tat: Belong where? Tit: Here – in…
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