Tag: Threefold Refuge
A dialogue from the movie ‘Up In The Air’: Ryan: Kara mentioned that you were having some thoughts. Jim: I…
He spent $200,000 to change his kidneys via the black market. He spent 1 second to fall and die. What…
As generally defined, seven kinds of refuge. Which one are you? Generally, any form of refuge missing Dharma is spiritually…
Before we returned home, we spent a night at the district called the Tibetan Refugee Colony in Delhi. We had…
Q: I have always thought that the Buddha’s Parinirvana was the end and that he would not be subjected to…
(Thank you, Scorpio East, for the premiere tickets!) Though ‘Aftershock’ retells the terrible tragedy of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake which…
Symbol of the Triratna (: Sanskrit; Tiratana: Pali), as seen in the Sanchi stupa, 1st century BCE. 自皈依佛,当愿众生,绍隆佛种,发无上心 自皈依法,当愿众生,深入经藏,智慧如海 自皈依僧,当愿众生,统理大众,一切无碍…
Question: As long as f I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha within, it doesn’t matter to me…
Pic: 4ocima Taking refuge in the Buddha, may I be with the awakened Taking refuge in the Dharma, may I…
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