Tag: victory
Shen Shián August 11, 2016
Life is too short not to pick your ‘battles’. ‘Fight’ only for the worthy. There is no need to take…
Shen Shián January 19, 2009
The Unseen ‘Ip Man’ Behind Bruce Lee? http://buddhistchannel.tv/index.php?id=12,7663,0,0,1,0 The mild-mannered ‘Ip Man’ (pronounced ‘eep-mun’: Bruce Lee’s martial arts master) is…
Shen Shián January 12, 2009
While watching the final instalment of ‘Red Cliff (Part 2)’, I was hoping for the story to impart some major…
guanzhao December 25, 2008
‘Go’ (围棋) is not an ordinary board game, but one that involves much wits and strategising. Unlike it’s counterpart Chinese…
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