Tag: Bodhicitta
From ‘Everything is F*cked: A Book about Hope’ by Mark Manson: Heroism isn’t just bravery or guts or shrewd…
Dream: Dharmagram #377 Bodhicitta is the ultimate stretching of the heart.
There will not be conflicting directions, if you follow your heart, as motivated by universal compassion (of Bodhicitta), AND your…
Daruma doll before and after. What is your main ‘eye’ or vision to fulfill? May it be the worthiest possible…
More precious than material huat, is spiritual huat! This CNY, how about 发… 菩提心 (give rise to Bodhicitta), and 吃长素…
[再受菩萨戒,为提醒自己以下,要加油。阿弥陀佛。] ‘心无尽故,戒亦无尽。’ – 菩萨璎珞经 ‘[As the] mind [of aspiration to not harm any and to help all is] inexhaustible thus,…
Like a skilful transcendental Bodhisattva whom, as instructed by the Buddha, does not reveal his identity – so as to…
She said her main Dharma practice is based on Bodhicitta. Yet she can’t agree on animal liberation, non-animal-testing and working…
‘Your mission, should you choose to accept it…’ So goes the line after the mission is spelt out. But as…
L: Hi, you mentioned a few times that you had some doubts and questions about life some time ago, and…
V: A pity the lo-hei (捞’余’生) begins tomorrow. S: 菩提心。。。 发啊! (Putixin… HUAT ah!) R: 真不愧是我们的老师, 连这您也想得出来! 新年期间我知道要怎样给别人祝愿了! 除了发财还要发菩提心! S:…
He, a stone-cutter, saw a rich man gathering many luxuries, and wished to be like him. Suddenly, he became him….
Question: Would you say that reciting Om Mani Padme Hung is similar to the practice of metta meditation in that it…
修行须放下贪嗔痴, 而无住生心地提起 悲智双运的菩萨行. The letting go (renunciation) of greed, hatred and delusion, and the giving rise of the (Bodhicitta) aspiration…
Learnt from Geshe Damdul’s talk tonight, in my own words: Actualisation of Bodhicitta brings about tenderness (an aspect of compassion)….
I am only one, but still I am one [and not ‘no one’]. I cannot do everything, but still I…
Learnt and expanded from a Dharma talk: 放下不是放弃。 Right ‘letting go’ is not ‘giving up’; it is acceptance of things…
I’m always somewhat skeptical about books that mention various religions under one breath. This often results in generalisations and misinterpretations….
A Buddhist centre with ‘Bodhicitta’ in its name barbecued dead animals during its gathering after its annual general meeting. Maybe…
Friend: (Greeting in anticipation of Chinese New Year) Huat arh!! (This means in dialect and in short, ‘May all prosper…
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