Album : Japan 2

Kyoto-Nyakuoj Shrine

Kyoto-Mount Hiei





Kyoto-Yasaka Shrine





Wakayama-Mt Koya

5 thoughts on “Album : Japan 2

  1. can you please tell me the address or the temple name in tokyo. I will be going there and i would like to visit.

    thank you…

    Pictures are all well taken which inspire me to visit all of them. In progress! :o)

  2. Hi Betty,

    There are in fact many more to visit, but we can only squeeze these much… I hope you have a fruitful trip to Tokyo, and do take care, especially with the H1NI flu spreading in Japan.

    Asakusa Kannon Temple (浅草寺)
    2-3-1 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo

    Zojoji (増上寺)
    4-7-35 Shiba-koen-nai, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    (very near Tokyo Tower)

  3. Hi,

    I will be going only in Aug so hopefully the H1N1 saga is over.

    Guess kyoto has more to see…

    Thanks for sharing.
    :o) betty

  4. 🙂 yes, would do…

    Kyoto definitely has more Buddhist temples to viist, it is afterall the city of a thousand temples. According to a guidebook, about 1,800 Buddhist temples!

    We didn’t have much time to explore Tokyo’s Buddhist temples, it was actually a day trip (a break from our Kyoto trip). If you are going to be there longer than a day, perhaps you can visit more. Do come back and share with us. 🙂

    See you soon and bon voyage!

  5. Wow! It’s amazing!! love especially the Amitabba Buddha poping outfrom Avalokitesvara head 😉 Will take note and save more money to Japan!

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