Just : Like That… For Now

Feng: Shi’an, is this change of things what you wanted? 
Shi’an: Yes and no… as with many things in life.
Feng: Is that good or bad?
Shi’an: Dunno… as with many things in life.

I’m looking for someone to use the words below as lyrics for a song…
The consolation part should sound sad.
The congratulation part should sound happy.
The chorus should sound calm.

Just Like That

Man loses horse.
Friends console him. 
He says,
“I don’t know whether this is good or bad –
it is just like that.”

Horse returns with a wild horse.
Friends congratulate him.
He says, 
“I don’t know whether this is good or bad – 
it is just like that.”

Man’s son breaks leg while training horse.
Friends console him.
He says, 
“I don’t know whether this is good or bad – 
it is just like that.”

War breaks out and all able young have to fight.
Friends congratulate him.
He says, 
“I don’t know whether this is good or bad – 
it is just like that.”

After sunshine comes rain;
after rain comes sunshine.
Neither good nor bad –
things are just like that.

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