Happy 2009 from Moonpointer.com
I have this love-hate relationship with technology. It offers undeniable convenience and room for creativity. But it can change so fast that it ‘sucks’ too. Ya, no doubt about that. I had been toying with the design of moonpointer.com for years. Just when we got very comfortable with Nucleus, I decided to switch to WordPress. It wasn’t just a sudden decision, but after much consideration. We see we can grow (creative-wise) more effectively with WordPress.
I’m no programmer or web designer. Coding is not poetry to me… yet (WordPress tagline : Code is Poetry). I have no idea how I managed to get so far, tweaking scripts to suit our ‘exquisite’ tastes. I made mistakes and at times we had lost important files, with the website down and help needed. It was not a joyride – with many late nights and migraines. But it turned out not so bad. (I hope it’s so to you too!) There is joy when a particular plug-in works. E.g. when the galleries of photos could be published successfully with animated slideshows.
One incontestable fact is the joy of being able to share Dharma with everyone on the Internet. We do not claim we are Dharma masters, but with what we have learned we try to share, and hopefully, in return, you can share with us as well, via your lively comments!
To some, 2008 is a wretched year due to multiple crises… financial, climatic and terrorist… There’s not much cheer moonpointer.com can give but sincere words with limited wisdom, with which we hope to comfort, encourage and inspire one another towards Nirvana!
On behalf of moonpointer team, ‘Happy 2009!’, and may you and your loved ones be well and happy! 🙂
Happy 2009!
Kudos for making the new Moonpointer so neat and clean. Thanks for all the hard work put in to make this ‘place’ so welcoming and user friendly. If you ask me, it’s very well done. 😀
Keep tweaking! Especially our deluded selves onto the Noble Eightfold Path. :woot:
^_^ Thanks hongleong! May we all progress to enlightenment!