We Are Our Self-fulfilling Prophesies

We believe what we want to believe.
Be careful!
What we believe might be believed into ‘reality’
like a self-fulfilling prophesy,
though it wasn’t really true.

We disbelieve what we want to disbelieve.
Be careful!
What we disbelieve might be disbelieved into ‘non-reality’
like a self-fulfilling prophesy,
though it was really true.

‘Doubt’ is a disturbing but thought-provoking story on the the tensions of certainty versus doubt, of the possibility of rationalising what we are really doubtful of as certain via self-righteous assumption, instead of being certain that we are doubtful. Yet, at the same time, our hunches might be correct. The film is also about the crippling power of unclarified doubt, which can be irreparably infectious when spread through rumours. Then again, it is also about the empowering nature of doubt, which when faced squarely, can generate the necessary strength for moving towards the truth.

Mind precedes all knowables,
mind’s their chief, mind-made are they.
If with a corrupted mind
one should either speak or act
dukkha (suffering) follows caused by that,
as does the wheel the ox’s hoof.

Mind precedes all knowables,
mind’s their chief, mind-made are they.
If with a clear, and confident mind
one should speak and act
happiness follows caused by that,
as one’s shadow ne’er departing.

– The Buddha (Dhammapada)

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