Come Back To Me

Yup, Depeche Mode does slow and sentimental songs too. The above is the moving studio version of ‘Come Back’ from their new ‘Sounds of the Universe’ album (which some say is better than the album version). It is angsty yet calming at the same time, with the element of dark majesty that DM is renown for. As usual, see how I read the Dharma into the lyrics below! The truth is, whether we like it or not, we always read part of ourselves into everything we encounter in the universe, including its sounds. If so, why not read something spiritual into what might be mundane? Enjoy the song!

Come Back

Come back
Come back to me
I’ll be waiting

Walking a thin, white line
Between love and hate
Wasting all my time
I’m in another world
I’m in another place
I could use a little company
A little kindness can go a long way

Weeks turn into months
Months turn into years
Reaching the same conclusions
Gathering up the fear…

Light will always shine
In the heart of you
In truth and in reality
Only blindness can hide it away
I could use a little restraint
A little kindness can go a long way…


I await too, sometimes impatiently though, for my estranged ‘self’ to come back to my Buddha-nature. But there’s no real need to wait – I should just look deeper within. The thin white line I attempt to walk between attachment and aversion is that in the ‘Parable of the White Path’. (See – what an amazing coincidence!) If I do not walk this Middle Path towards Pure Land, I’m stuck in another world – this one – Samsara. The company I look forward to is that of the Bodhisattvas and Buddha in Pure Land. Their kindness is so immeasurable that just a little would go a long way for a fool like me. Days of weeks of months of years go by and it’s the same conclusion that there is some fear of where I’m going to after this life, but the guiding light of Amituofo and my Buddha-nature always shines within and without, only hidden temporarily by spiritual blindness. What I need is just the appropriate restraint from letting this darkness overwhelm me, and to open my heart and mind to let Amituofo’s light of compassion in.

2 thoughts on “Come Back To Me

  1. Amituofo
    See you in Amitabha Buddha’s Pureland after this life :angel: πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ ^_^ πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰

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