Monastics & Money

JX: I think these days, it’s okay for monastics to handle some money (but not too ridiculously much to spur greed) for what’s needed (unless they absolutely don’t need to, which cuts the hassle) – but all accounts in terms of pay and funds should be made transparent to the public. Hey, even an electronic farecard is electronic money! It’s quite senseless that monastics must be chauffeured around all the time, with things paid for them. This I think might spoil the less cultivated ones, especially when laity tend to splurge for them out of ‘respect’. And not all monastics have good enough karma or popularity to have lay assistants who help handle money matters and send them to places.

KN: As the saying goes, 水能载舟,亦能覆舟. (Water can keep a boat afloat, and also sink it.) Money is just a tool. 😛

JX: Well said… money is empty of any fixed characteristics. If one has greed in the mind, it can corrupt one via other non-monetary means too. E.g. being treated like royalty, waited hand and foot by laity can lead to spiritual complacency. A monastic is only as precious as his/her efforts towards enlightenment, towards helping others advance towards it. I think one reason why some Buddhist traditions spread far and wide is because money-handling is allowed for convenience. But yes, it leads to corruption in some cases too.

KN: Yup… the line between 方便 (skilful means) and 随便 (callous ways) is sometimes hard to draw. And the consequences to Buddhism can be hazardous if handled wrongly. Just look at how many 方便s turned into 随便s due to changed conditions. 害佛教不浅啊! (Harms Buddhism gravely!)

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2 thoughts on “Monastics & Money

  1. Very the disappointed! Sigh …

    Public will have a feeling that laity are been ‘cheated’ and mislead …

    Some monastics think the public are ‘blind’, in fact, there are rumors around and by looking closely there are many obvious evident, it is easy to spot them …

    Watchdog required for the good of everyone!

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