Senseless Jealousy


Z: (To colleague) Wanna lunch with us?
R: Nay, my girlfriend won’t like the idea.
Z: Huh? It’s a group of us – not just you and me candlelighting!
R: I know, but she don’t like the idea of me lunching with any girls, in a group or not.
Z: Wow!

Countless senseless demands generated by senseless jealousy is suffering 24/7!

19 thoughts on “Senseless Jealousy

  1. Perhaps it’s time to look at your comments as well. No unenlightened being is perfect. I know I’m not, and pointing at others without self-reflection does no good.

    Re: ‘These issues may become a seed to future conflicts’ – What issue is there really? It seems that unless we agree with you or remain silent, it will not do? What is wrong with agreeing to disagree?

    Why is saying ‘Why so serious?’ shirking responsibility? Being not so serious I take to mean being less uptight, that’s all. Everything online is for posterity’s sake and I’m fully responsible with my words.

    Online or offline, the moral guidelines of speech are the same. But some are more at ease or themselves online than in person, while the others the other way round. To each his own.

    Re: ‘As humans we all have different opinions…’ – It’s good that you (finally) agree that humans have different views. With the limitation of online interaction as you mentioned, er… with due respect, how do you know anyone is not calm or sincere? If I’m neither, why would I ‘punish’ myself by continuing this?

    Re: ‘… it seems all my points have been read and interpreted in a negative light.’ – I don’t read negativity, i just have different views.

    Re: ‘Rather than feeling angry at being misunderstood, I felt disappointment and disillusionment’ – if you think this is so, maybe you should reflect on your words, which has to play a part in causing this. To be frank, i read the above statement as being self-righteous, even though you may not have the intention to be so. It’s just another unenlighted perception. There’s no need to take it seriously if you seriously think there is absolutely no fault on your part.

    Re: ‘To those who can read and understand my intentions deeper, work hard. You are not alone. :-)’, – er… to be frank again, that sounds like another self-righteous statement, suggesting you were perfect in sharing your views, that others who don’t get it are all wrong. We don’t even see the owners of this blog write in such a way. If there are no misgivings in the views you share and the way you share them, I can only apologise for failing to realise this. May you be well and happy.

  2. You sound angry, bodhati. I see that you feel disturbed by my comments.

    For example, by saying the above, you have sort of appeared to be self-righteous, at least to me. If not, probably you would say something like ‘Although I don’t agree with your tone, I think we can interact on a deeper level to understand each other better’.

    Which is why I can’t understand why you are still commenting. If you have already totally disagreed with all that is said by me, then why say the above? Is it just so that you can appear on a higher plane to judge and sentence someone to a label of being self-righteous?

    I have never said I was perfect in my views. I also never maintained that everyone should have the same views as I do. I am all the while, expressing the wish that someone might understand some of my viewpoints instead of taking them at a superficial level. You might have taken this too far, I’m afraid. This is one of the limitations of online interactions.

    The owners do not write in such a way perhaps due to their better command of language and different human experiences. I have always said I’m still learning to write and express my point of views better and more tactfully.

    Anyway thank you for your views. 🙂

  3. Just an online story to share… :sideways:

    Once Buddha was walking from one town to another town with a few of his followers. This was in the initial days. While they were traveling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty… Do get me some water from that lake there.”

    The disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy, very turbid. The disciple thought, “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink!” So he came back and told Buddha, “The water in there is very muddy. I don’t think it is fit to drink.” After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get Him some water to drink…

    The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time too, he found that the lake was muddy. He returned and informed Buddha about the same. After some time, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back. The disciple reached the lake to find the lake absolutely clean and clear with pure water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above it looked fit to be had… So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha.

    Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said, “See what you did to make the water clean. You let it be… and the mud settled down on its own – and you got clear water.”

  4. Re: ‘You sound angry, bodhati. I see that you feel disturbed by my comments.’

    — Er… That’s your perception. Written words have no sound or tone. Why would I be angry at someone i don’t know 😉 or apologise if i’m angry? (Pls read last line of my previous post)

    Re: ‘For example, by saying the above, you have sort of appeared to be self-righteous, at least to me.

    — I guess the self-righteous might see the self righteous as so. This is certainly possible.

    Re: ‘Which is why I can’t understand why you are still commenting. If you have already totally disagreed with all that is said by me, then why say the above? Is it just so that you can appear on a higher plane to judge and sentence someone to a label of being self-righteous?’

    — You said you are disappointed and disillusioned that people misunderstood you. I thought i just clarified, but seems like i did a lousy job. 😛 Now, who sounds angry here? It’s not a judgemental view, just being frank. Would you rather i say things that i don’t mean at all? If someone said i’m self-righteous, i would step back and self-reflect, and apologise if it’s really so. I’m really sorry if you felt belittled – that’s not my intention. That’s unskilful speech on my part. But it could be wrong perception on your part too.

    Re: ‘I have never said I was perfect in my views. I also never maintained that everyone should have the same views as I do. I am all the while, expressing the wish that someone might understand some of my viewpoints instead of taking them at a superficial level. You might have taken this too far, I’m afraid. This is one of the limitations of online interactions.’

    — Er, i stand corrected, but the way you wrote doesn’t appear that you can take criticism. Well, i guess that is one of the limitations of online interactions or perhaps, it’s just me.. 🙂

    Re: ‘The owners do not write in such a way perhaps due to their better command of language and different human experiences. I have always said I’m still learning to write and express my point of views better and more tactfully.’

    — It was never mentioned that you might not be learning. I still wish you wellness and happiness. 🙂

    — Hi Keira… i understand what you meant, but i don’t want anyone to think he or she is being picked on, so it’s best i clarify on my part. Just being frank and truthful but it might not be good enough if the timing and delivery is off. But we are certainly digressing too much and i agree it’s time to stop. Till then, ciao!

  5. Hi folks… Actually, I have met Jilexin and Bodhati in person, and both don’t seem to be unpleasant persons, in case they read like so to some. (It’s a pity they can’t meet as Bodhati doesn’t live here.) I tried to read both sides comments without my earlier perception of them and I can see how both parties can see each other’s comments as problematic, and ALSO how both parties can see each other’s comments as alright. Tricky stuff, words without tones.

    That said, let’s move this conversation to the Wall function, cos it’s clogging up the Recent Comments column and other readers might not be interested in this long thread. I’m more for the suggestions by Keira and Bodhati to let the ‘agitated’ mud settle though.

    May Amituofo’s infinite light be experienced by all (I)

  6. I thought this thread was meant to be about helping R… I think he should bring his girlfriend along to the group, she would get to know the people and vice versa: for all the people it won’t be the same as talking bad about a person(s) they even don’t know.

  7. Good idea – provided that the girlfriend is open enough. Usually, incredibly jealous people won’t be. But it’s worth a try. Amituofo


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