Take Which Hint?


Jat: Is it just me who think people who ignore sms or emails are rude? I mean they should know that I’m waiting for a reply… or do I need to indicate ‘RSVP’?
Yah: I get that too and sometimes it’s even work-related.
Jat: Could silence have become the new ‘no’ or ‘don’t bother me’ or ‘whatever’? I thought it’s basic courtesy to at least give a reply?
Yah: It’s a bad excuse but maybe your message got lost in vast universe of electronic communication? Did you resend? Or why don’t you call?
Jat: I did all that you mentioned… Such standoffishness attitude really makes human relations cold and misunderstood. What do you suggest I do? Take the hint? Which hint exactly? Any hints?
Yah: I suggest you let the matter go. Your friend might be unable or not willing to keep connected at the moment. Don’t be bothered by ‘nothing’, and it’s really ‘nothing’, as in ‘no response’! Your friend might not be friendly at the moment but you can always still be a friend.

2 thoughts on “Take Which Hint?

  1. Rather than RSVP, maybe just indicate “Pls reply by when…”. :biggrin:
    Sometimes, we may thought that is a mass mail sent
    but if you had tried more proactive means like calling, & yet no response, he really not unable/willing to get connected at moment. :choler:

  2. Indeed… as mentioned it’s probably just bad timing and since we are unable to read mind, there’s no need to think too much of why he or she is like that. 🙂

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