In the movie ‘Turning Point’, a baddie becomes an undercover cop, who is told to become an undercover baddie. It’s a miracle that either side knows who to trust! At one point, the protagonist becomes unsure which is more scary – to be revealed to be a cop or a baddie. When the case he is involved in is resolved, he is given the choice of to ‘be’ a cop or baddie – openly. Then again, he kind had the choice – and so do we – now. Every point in time can be a turning point.
We are undercover agents too – of good and evil, when we alternate between goodness and evil. Who are we predominantly? We are we really? Towards the end, the troubled protagonist asks why he can only choose to be a cop or baddie… and chooses to remain grey – an undercover cop continuing his seasoned act as a ‘baddie’, so as to take out the chief baddies. But this time, he knows his motivation well, and makes greater peace with the ambiguity of his situation. Have we made peace with who we really are and who we project ourselves to be yet?