6 thoughts on “Happiness is…

  1. Happiness is
    a kind of feeling in the heart,
    a way of looking at life after life,
    a journey Home anticipated.

  2. Happiness is
    knowing there is Pureland,
    knowing how to get there,
    knowing I can return from there,
    knowing I can encourage more to get there.


  3. Happiness arises from the thinking mind
    Unhappiness also springs from the same source
    They are like the floating cloud that come and go
    The floating cloud itself originally does not exist
    Just as the vast Sky is always clear and blue
    It does not hinder or hold the floating cloud
    We should view Happiness and Unhappiness as an illusion
    Let it come
    Let it go

  4. If we define True Happiness as Buddhahood, then it doesn’t arise from thinking mind, that comes and goes. This is in contrast with worldly happiness.


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