No Way to Compare

A Tit for a Tat (138)

Tit: You should try the mock sashimi.
Tat: Why?
Tit: Because it tastes amazingly like the real thing.
Tat: Well, I wouldn’t know.
Tit: Of course not – if you don’t try it.
Tat: I won’t know even after trying!
Tit: Why not?
Tat: Because I never tasted real sashimi before!

Related Article:
A Brief History of the Love-Hate Relationship with Mock Meats

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5 thoughts on “No Way to Compare

  1. A salmon is a salmon bec it is given a name as such;
    A mock salmon is a mock salmon bec it is made as such.
    Attachment, a bad habit hard to break…

  2. No way to compare, have not eaten any salmon at all.

    But, why do we need to compare? Comparing everything (from small to big) in life and forgotten each of them are unique and no need to compare …

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