Come & Go

In ‘Aftershock’, a foster mother-to-be asks
to ensure that the girl she wants to adopt
really has no surviving family.
She says she doesn’t wish
to lose her after adopting.

Made me reflect
on how we knowingly form attachment,
when we know we have to part with the attached
sooner or later, via departure and death.
May we learn to love more with less attachment.

Related Article:

‘Aftershock’ of the Human Heart

7 thoughts on “Come & Go

  1. How do we love more with less attachment? or for that matter, NO attachment. The more we love our closed ones, the more attached we become. That is only natural. When they fall sick or dying from ill health, we chant and pray for their full recovery, to stay on as long as they could. No children or parents will devoid of such attachment. It is in our human nature.

  2. Loving our close ones is correct. Chanting and praying when they fall sick is also correct. This is not attachment. This is our Buddha nature that perceives our situation correctly, the truth/relationship of our situation, whereby we are able to function our life correctly.
    With hard practice, we will be able to attain correct situation, correct truth, and correct function. Then if someone is hungry, we give him food; someone is thirsty, we give him a drink. When someone is happy, we are happy; someone is sad, we are sad.
    However, when situation change and we cannot connect/accept the truth, we cannot function correctly. This happens when we are attached to our situation/condition. When we truly understand the law of impermanence, and can perceive our situation correctly, we can make use of both good and bad situation to benefit everyone (ourselves included).

    – A good situation is not necessarily good; likewise a bad situation is not necessarily bad.

  3. Loving others with no attachment is difficult but not impossible to achieve. How about loving oneself with no attachment? ls it wrong for a Buddhist to buy health supplement, workout in gym to have nice toned body or something to pamper oneself in the name of good health and longeviy without the feeling of attachment?

  4. i think taking care of oneself is different from being attached – unless the ‘care’ is indulgence in sense pleasures in itself, with no higher purpose.



  5. There are some, for fear of losing, stop loving,
    thinking they are free from attachments,
    when they are still attached, by the fear of losing.

    I used to question too,
    about being “attached”, and being “detached”,
    till I realised that choosing to “detached” from the world, does not necessary means I’m free from attachment.

    How do I check if I’m “attached”?
    When I feel sad or down over something,
    something which I did not expect,
    something which I wish would last,
    something call “change” that occurs every now & then.

    Our attachment will bring pain,
    for when we are attached to something,
    either we wish that it will never change,
    or that it should change to what we wish.

  6. Also, when we try to deliberately detach from one thing, we tend to attach to another thing unmindfully. Increase in mindfulness is the key to be free.



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