Question: How does the concept of the Collective Unconscious ( fit in Buddhist philosophy?
Answer: Commenting based on the definition of ‘collective unconscious’ in the Wikipedia link, Buddhism would see that the collective unconscious is actually based on the personal unconscious. Because of the existence of past lives with similar experiences for many individuals, they are imprinted in the depths of the mind (the Alaya or Eighth Consciousness: ) for individuals – which together forms what seems to be collective unconcious (in terms of perception of universal archetypes and such) for all.
In this sense, the idea that the collective unconcious exists separate from personal unconscious is an illusion. Personal (un)conscious existing independently too is an illusion. This is reflected in the Buddha’s teachings on non-self; of the idea of a fixed, unchanging and separate self being illusory as all mind and mattter is subject to constant change. More on this can be found in this online book: (No Inner Core) It is the attachment to the sense of self that there is suffering for one and all from self-centredness, selfishness and such. Only with constant change can we evolve to become perfect, enlightened.
Yet, for enlightenment (in terms of Buddhahood) to be possible, there must be the potential to become enlightened. This potential is called Buddha-nature. As long as we are not aware of or work towards actualising it, we are unconscious of the ability to awaken to full consciousness. We are ‘collectively unconscious’. Buddha-nature should not be mistaken as Jung’s concept of collective unconscious, which refers to a mysterious inbuilt set of perceptions not based on cause and effect (as its origin is unknown).
Buddha-nature is not a set of perceptions to be tapped into; it is the nature of a Buddha within us all to be discovered; it is the ability to develop perfect compassion and wisdom, to have pure perception of things as they really are, beyond limiting archetypal perception. When Buddha-nature is realised, we become Buddhas. Buddha-nature bears some semblance in concept with collective unconscious in terms of being universal and impersonal in all beings (though it is sometimes called the ‘true self’ too, which is still selfless in nature and function).
The concept of collective unconscious also has some remblance with the Dharmakaya, the universal and impersonal living body of all Buddhas, that pervade space and time, being synonymous with truth. However, instead of being a pool of consciousness that unenlightened beings tap into or connect to unconscously, which is the case for the idea of the collective unconcious, individuals who have fully realised their Buddha-nature (becoime Buddhas) ‘join’ the Dharmakaya, or realise they are part of it. As this realisation is essentially awakening, this process takes place with fully consciousness. In this sense, the Dharmakaya is ‘collective conscious’ we can become part of; not ‘collective UNconscious’ we are supposedly part of!
Our alaya is like the FAT file in the harddisk. That’s how computer forensics expert retrieve data even though one may have deleted it completely. Every thought leaves an imprint behind. Habitual actions and behaviors reinforce the imprints. We are writing to this harddisk everyday. In fact, we are scripting the blueprint/portfolio/DNA for our next life in this life which eventually configures our form/destination when the karmic operating system execute our application once our hardware wears out. Only the Buddha can hack the system because he is above the system therefore following his path, we can make the system work for us rather than be played by it.
I look forward to the day when science can prove that our mind can switch on and off our genes which eventually explain why certain illness comes about. Scientifically speaking, every man is born with some cancer cells. Therefore, it is not the work of god or any external entity that causes it but rather ourselves. Our genes contain data. Our genes affect our existence. If at anytime when things go wrong, is it the latent karma is already built into us or we carry with us that we causes us to write a buggy program with our consciousness into our next form which is embedded as genes….this remains to be seen. Did we encode our own destiny based on the deeds we do previously remains an interesting observation.
Therefore deeds matter and not grace because without deeds, there is no reasons to be judged.
How are we judged? Only we know what we have done no matter how smart we can hide things. Truth and conscience does not collude with us. Its nature is to reveal itself eventually no matter how much man tries to conceal and deceive. Therefore, without good deeds and confessions, truth will not speak for us but against us for it will testify against us because it does not conspire. As long as the self is there, the ego is there………the doer is there. Therefore evil doers will eventually be brought to justice either by themselves or by others they failed to subdue. As along as we know…….someone will know someday.
I believe HELL is so high tech that all they need to do is to plug in one’s consciousness and like a computer… will read every contents in the FAT file.
Even better is King Yama can project one’s mind contents as evidence against us. The very black box which we think is safe with us is actually an evidence against us. How ironic
We don’t need to lose our minds but we need to open our minds and hearts and fill it with deeds and love to ourself and others. Since every man will take nothing with them when they go……..take nothing and keep nothing. Leave behind everything that is for the good of humanity and all sentient beings.