Give Up The Ghost

A review of Radiohead’s ‘Give Up the Ghost’:


Don’t haunt me
don’t haunt me…

Gather up the lost and sold
In your arms
In your arms

Gather up the pitiful
In your arms
In your arms

What seems impossible
In your arms
In your arms

I think I have had my fill
In your arms
In your arms

I’ve been told to give up the ghost
In your arms
In your arms


May we, the lost, sold and pitiful,
be gathered up by the arms of Bodhisattvas,
who fill us with compassion, wisdom and courage.

May we too gather up the lost, sold and pitiful,
like the Bodhisattvas would with their arms,
even if it seems impossible to embrace them all.

May we give up the ghost of our attachments,
to be free of being haunted by its phantoms,
to let go of delusion of self but never the compassion for others.

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