On Sir Johannes Krauser II of DMC

A short review of the movie ‘DMC (Detroit Metal City)’:

Acting as a demon from hell,
and singing the dark and profane,
he unexpectedly draws legions of fans.

Yet, what he wanted to do
was to sing sweet songs of hope,
and gives up his unworldly fame.

Upon realising the power of his reach,
of how his death metal inspired,
he plays the demon again, to bridge them to greater good.

Reminds me of how
even great Bodhisattvas
can manifest as maras.

If it works in enlightening,
why not?
Great skilful means!

Related Article:
The Inconceivable Compassion of the Enlightened

1 thought on “On Sir Johannes Krauser II of DMC

  1. That’s the greatest irony of life. Life is not absolutely black and white. Good means good looking and friendly and evil is hideous looking and angry. The reason why life becomes chaotic is when evil pretends to be good and think that they are good. Twisting truths. Confusing minds with mere sophistry. If a real demon is to harm someone, would it come in it’s true form or top form? How to know whether a demon is a demon? Dun look at appearances. Look at it’s aim the same way a man look at where an arrow is aimed to hit. Demon can hide but they cannot hide their aims. Every being is born to do something. It what you do that makes one a demon or not.

    I believe in rebirths so it’s okie to be a demon….who knows we maybe one in our past lives which so explains our human ability to demonise others. A demon who upholds the dharma and behaves in accordance with the dharma earns my utmost respect.

    Demons are not free from desires. Heavenly beings are not free from desires as well. That’s why some fall because they desire to be demons by responding to their pride and ego.

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