One Timeline

While the humans try to nip the problem in the bud by preventing Skynet from forming, why doesn’t the robots just nip the problem in the bud by time-travelling to the past to terminate John Connor at birth? They can try endlessly. Then again, the humans can time-travel back to defend Connor endlessly too.

The Terminator series is essentially endless, a fight against endless possibilities, with endless time streams. Thank goodness time-travel isn’t possible. One timeline is already complicated enough. Let’s move on… forward to enlightenment; not backwards to delusion.

1 thought on “One Timeline

  1. If time travel is possible, then it’s another samsara within the samsara. No matter which point of time you travel to, sentient beings are plagued by suffering, fear, pain, gain and loss, anger, impermanence, anger and ego. If time travel is possible then travelling back to the Buddha’s time will be the only timeline I am interested.

    Armed w dhARMa, we free ourselves from samsara. The Buddha dharma is like a form of martial art skills that enable us to free ourselves from samsara barefisted. It’s the only thing that stays with us when we leave this world naked and empty handed as the knowledge and practice gets embedded into our consciousness which double as a raft to the shores of freedom.

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