The Fakest Face?

Sometimes, a photograph as a self-portrait
is the best representation of yourself.
But this only represents how you see yourself.
Is it the most accurate portrayal of you?

Sometimes, a photograph as a self-portrait
is the best representation of our self-deception,
which might deceive others too.
Is it the least accurate portrayal of you?

2 thoughts on “The Fakest Face?

  1. With photoshop. Everything we see is more or less a deception. We should always give the best of us to others. We should always put the best foot forward. In the process of creating a superficial culture, the glaring ugly problems get ignored. I supposed this is a trait of the heavenly beings in us. A complacency of not trying to nip the problem where it should be but to continue believing that things will get better. Things will never get better until we resolve the root of the problem that stands in it’s way. Is that the reason why economies crash and countries fall. They just love to hear the nice things. Is that the reason why suffering abound even when there are heavenly beings yet suffering never seems to end. Were they just onlookers bathing in the light of the bliss and becos heavenly worlds are so perfect that you can even find a flaw to do a good deed that they have forgotten this ability to HELP.

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