Spouse & Kid Koans

For some singles,
to have or not have a spouse,
that is the question.

But to have a spouse
does not guarantee happiness,
just as not having one does not guarantee unhappiness either.

It is a gamble of sorts,
as you never know
how your spouse might be.

For some couples,
to have or not have a kid,
that is the question.

But to have a kid
does not guarantee happiness,
just as not having one does not guarantee unhappiness either.

It is a gamble of sorts,
as you never know
how your kid might be.

2 thoughts on “Spouse & Kid Koans

  1. They can be proved to be delusional or not
    only if we have the power
    to look at the workings of karma
    to realise if they are really so.

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