Brightness & Darkness, Beauty & Ugliness

At the beginning of the movie ‘Cracks’, the song ‘All Things Bright And Beautiful’ is sung in a boarding school. And from movie-going experience, this sets the tone for the ironies to come, when some things dark and ugly are going to surface. The first two stanzas of the song went –

All things bright and beautiful,
all creatures great and small,
all things wise and wonderful:
the Lord God made them all.

Each little flower that opens,
each little bird that sings,
God made their glowing colors,
and made their tiny wings.

If everything and everyone is truly bright and beautiful, a reflection of wisdom and wonder, as created by a creator who is likewise so, then why is there so much of the opposite – the dark, ugly, deluded and horrible, especially in human-nature, when humans are supposed to be made in this creator’s image too? For every little flower, there are a thousand thorny weeds, for every little bird, there are a hundred predators. For each glowing colour, there are many shades of darkness… So many cracks in the sung…

Fret not, for the simple answer is that there was no perfect creator in the first place. We are our own creators, karmically speaking, individually and collectively. We can take charge. We can create. We can recreate.

2 thoughts on “Brightness & Darkness, Beauty & Ugliness

  1. For the full credits, pls also see below. How can truth be so one-sided in creationism?

    All things dull and ugly,
    All creatures short and squat,
    Al things rude and nasty,
    The Lord God mad the lot.

    Each little snake that poisons,
    Each little wasp that stings,
    He made their brutish venom,
    He made their horrid wings.

    All things sick and cancerous,
    All evil great and small,
    All things foul and dangerous,
    The lord God made them all.

    Each nasty little hornet,
    Each beastly little squid,
    Who made the spikey urchin?
    Who made the sharks? He did.

    All things scabbed and ulcerous,
    All pox both great and small,
    Purid foul and gangernous,
    The Lord God made them all.

  2. If god is indeed an omnipotent creator, he needs no reason, no logic or science to create anything. I cannot help but laugh when religion tries to force-fit science to explain religion. It seems that Science is the higher religion which religion cannot explain when left on its own. For example, god created birds with wings to fly. If god indeed is omnipotent, he can do things that defy logic, reason and science. Does a bird need wings to be really able to fly? Why can’t he create a bird without wings yet fly? If god indeed is a omnipotent creator, whatever he creates or not create becomes totally meaningless becos he can defy every logic or reason behind creating them.  

    Some time back, I read an article about a baby suffering from a rare disease where the skin will break into sores. Did the baby sin? Why take it out on the kid? But the parents, being theists explain that god has a reason which is how they reason.

    If a creator is indeed omnipotent and can defy all logic, how would one less pain or suffering mean anything to him? The same way, if I can create 10 stones and put into a container. If I only created 9, why would one less be any less significant when I am omnipotent and capable of twisting, adding or changing anything according to what I want. So it boils down to what my heart is made of. The more god tries to reason, the more unreasonable he seems to be. Why would a god need even a reason for anything or anyone?

    If god is indeed love, why does he not set his creatures straight and at times historically speak to them and set themselves against one another by killing rather than using love to solve certain issues since love is so great, surely it can solve all problems. While we are accused of having hardened our hearts, god also hardened the hearts of man when he set them to kill each other historically for all the agendas he have. If a creator is the source of what we are, what we have is what he wants in us. 

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