A slightly edited dialogue…
E: I like KFC: http://www.kfc.com
S: That’s the marketing website. Here’s the ‘real’ deal: http://www.
E: Crazy… If I watch… I will not eat KFC again.
S: That’s the idea… to watch it – out of compassion. Whether you do so or not, KFC chickens are still among the worst treated chickens in the world.
E: Nay… It will disturb me too much. No thanks. I still like to eat. Thanks for your kind intention.
S: May all being be free from suffering, harm and danger. Amituofo
E: A step at a time. If i am eating… I cannot sincerely say that. May all be well, and may some come to their senses earlier.
S: If gory scenes are too much, it might help by mindfully looking at facts in text, to sincerely practise stretching of compassion: http://www.viva.org.uk/
E: Yup. This I will read. Thanks.
S: Sorry, as you said, one step at a time. That was the vegan link. This is the vegetarian link: http://www.viva.org.uk/goingveggie/index.php