Check out the lyrics of the theme song of the standup-sitcom ‘Louie’, featuring Louis CK’s existential issues. (Okay, not always depicted in a philosophical way; sometimes in crude ways.) See a lyric video at
Louie Louie Louie Louie
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Louie Louie Louie Louie
Louie Louie you’re gonna cry.Louie Louie Louie Louie
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Louie Louie Louie Louie
Louie Louie you’re gonna die.
Sounds bleak? Perhaps, but there is recognition of the inevitability of sorrow and death – the Dukkha of life, the First Noble Truth! And it is with this that we can begin delving deeper into the meaning of it all, to discover the alternatives to tears and death – bliss and deathlessness. And what’s intriguing is we can have have wit and wisdom about it all. Not much direct Dharma from the few episodes caught so far though, not that it should be expected. But there are some truths sprinkled here and there. True wit must after all be based on wisdom, or it will just be totally unfunny, irrelevant.