[261] What truly right remains right,
even if others think
it is truly wrong.
[262] Our choices make or break
those deprived of choices.
[263] The complicated is
not always sophisticated.
The simple is
not always shallow.
[264] Every cent spent on what we consume
is a vote for more violence or peace.
[265] If what you care much about when living
is what you would not even care when dying,
you probably should care less about it now.
[266] Do you not know,
or not care,
or not care
that you not know?
[267] Asceticism is the renunciation
of all excesses.
Vanity is the attachment
to more excesses.
[268] Every thought, word and deed will shape
and reshape your world, and this world.
[269] Claiming what you choose to eat and drink
has nothing to do with your spiritual betterment,
is like claiming what you choose to eat and drink
has nothing to do with your physical health.
[270] If you focus only on fault-finding,
you will never find any goodness,
in the world or even yourself.
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