Since I returned from vacation, I had been busy sorting the photos snapped… and still am! They piled up to be thousands and I had a hard time deciding what we should showcase. As I went through the collection of photos many times, I was unwittingly reliving my moments in Japan and Hong Kong just as many times. I wasn’t particularly sentimentally attached to the trip, but I certainly learnt to more greatly re-appreciate every moment experienced.
In Zen, Bodhidharma spoke about the ultimate Truth being beyond words, that doctrines are merely words – they are not the Way. The Way is wordless and words are illusions. Could this be the reason why a reflective moment at a Zen garden is much more constructive than “blind” reading of thousands of sutras? We hope our pictures can offer you some reflective moments.
A picture speaks a thousand words, of poetry that is beyond words. As I’m not a wordsmith, I can’t very much spice up my reflections with words, but I can share what I visually savoured – literally – with pictures that reflect the “real” thing! True photography captures only moments of truth, of the way things are in their “true colours”. How would a photo of a Buddha statue or a comtemplative Zen garden speak to you? Perhaps nothing in particular, yet so much more – perhaps that is Zen’s “beginner’s mind”, which opens up countless possibilities. We hope you enjoy this series of photos as much as we enjoyed taking them. More are coming up in batches – so do stay tuned! 8)